Monday, June 21, 2010

I'm back!

Since nobody has commented on previous posts, I feel safe in jumping back in with no explanation of my silence.

Right after my last post, last year, I lost my job. I did some fitful job search and got unemployment for awhile, but then decided to declare "retirement" and start drawing Social Security.

We spent several weeks in August in Illinois, where both Billy and I are from. I still have a crush on it, although when we moved away almost 50 years ago (I was a junior in high school) I couldn't wait to leave.

Now, maybe because I've lived in New York and Amsterdam, and seen much of the world, it seems appealing. Of course, even Champaign has more going on than Hollister, thanks to the U of I. But it's also lushly green, and warm, while this part of California is dusty and brown, and chilly.

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